Brown Rice with Basil Walnut Pesto
11 Sep

Lightly fried brown rice with basil walnut pesto made fresh at home. A filling and nutritious one-pot meal.
11 Sep
Lightly fried brown rice with basil walnut pesto made fresh at home. A filling and nutritious one-pot meal.
29 Jun
You read that right: chia seeds and sabja seeds are not the same. Ignore the wisdom that tells you otherwise. Set aside the surface similarities, the fact that both chia and sabja are recommended for weight loss and as a source of nutrients/dietary fiber. Here’s a rundown of the differences between these two wonder foods.
18 May
This post is dedicated to all those who believe their culinary range is limited to cooking instant noodles and heating ready-made food, for whom pasta sauce means a pricey jar of red substance bought from the supermarket.
Please. Don’t let those packaged pasta sauce bottles burn a hole in your pocket and inject a million preservatives into your system. Making homemade tomato sauce for pasta is the easiest thing in the world. At least, if you go by this recipe I’m going to share with you.