Butter Garlic Green Beans
4 Jul

Butter garlic green beans – a quick and easy side dish to go with your meals. Here’s a step by step recipe with pictures.
4 Jul
Butter garlic green beans – a quick and easy side dish to go with your meals. Here’s a step by step recipe with pictures.
15 Feb
Tender broad beans / fava beans (sem in Hindi) are cooked with an unusually colored, delicious black sesame sauce in this recipe. The dark, nutty flavor of the sauce brings out the earthiness of the broad beans.
3 Feb
Stir-fried boiled millets with assorted vegetables, peanuts and seasoning – a healthy one-pot meal that sits just right in the lunchbox. Millet peanut vegetable stir-fry is vegetarian-friendly, gluten-free, and uses no onion or garlic.
22 Feb
Tender and crisp green beans lightly stewed in a tomato garlic sauce. This beans recipe makes a great side dish with chapatis or rice.
28 Jan
A recipe I picked up from a friend – carrot and beans stir fry. It’s healthy, it’s simple. Next to white rice, the saffron-green of the vegetables sets up a meal with all the hues of the Indian tricolor.
3 Aug
Nutty, sweet flavors complement beans very well – I had taken to this idea when I first made string beans with peanuts and jaggery. This time I had green beans (French beans) on hand, which meant a milder flavor and more crunch. This felt like a good opportunity to up the experimental quotient on "nutty, sweet flavors".