Kachche Kele ke Kebab: Raw Banana Kebab
30 Oct

Avengers: Infinity War famously declared "We Will Deep Fry Your Kebab". This kachche kele ke kebab recipe duly follows that memo.
30 Oct
Avengers: Infinity War famously declared "We Will Deep Fry Your Kebab". This kachche kele ke kebab recipe duly follows that memo.
16 Aug
Potatoes and raw banana complement each others’ tastes beautifully in aloo kela ki sabzi (potato raw banana curry).
10 Feb
A combination of plantain (raw banana) with fresh fenugreek leaves brings out the best in both vegetables. Plantain has the wonderful ability to take the edge off sharp flavors, while fenugreek’s green bitterness adds some interesting notes to the simple plantain.
24 Jul
A quick-cooking curry with kachcha kela (raw bananas or plantain) that’s easy enough to make for beginners – no intricate slicing, no artful pounding/grinding, no watchfulness needed while the dish is on the heat. Everything chopped or grated "roughly", all spice measurements open to personalization.
The only detail to take care of is to avoid the blackening of plantain when it is peeled and sliced – there’s a simple tip below to prevent that happening, which doubles up as a way to keep the stickiness of the plantain at bay.
23 Sep
In the mood for a crispy spicy side dish with your simple roti and dal? Here comes the perfect recipe for you – (raw banana) plantain fry. (more…)