Mango Oats

12 Jun

When mangoes are in season, I like to incorporate the fruit in my meals in miscellaneous ways. Here’s my way to spruce up the staid and simple quick oats with fresh mango pulp. This is a breakfast-on-the-run recipe made special with the addition of this glorious fruit. Here’s how you could make mango oats.

You Need:

[Serves two]

  • Oats – 3/4 cup (I used Quaker oats, the quick cooking variety)
  • Milk – 2.5 cups (~1/2 liter)
  • Ripe mango – 1 (enough to give ~3/4 cup of pulp)
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon (adjust to taste)

How To Make Mango Oats:

Peel and mash the ripe mango to pulp. Discard the mango’s skin and seed. Keep aside.

Q: Which type of mango should you use?
A: As long as the mango is ripe and pulpy, it will work. This recipe does not demand a specific variety – take your pick by what’s available or what you like! In Bangalore I would go for mango Mallika or Neelam; in Bihar I would go for Dashehri or Malda.

Bring the milk to a boil. Add oats and simmer for three minutes.

Let the cooked oats stand for a minute, then mix fresh mango pulp and honey.

Note: Adjust the quantity of honey depending on the sweetness of the mango.

While serving, garnish with dollops of mango pulp.

Your fruit-infused oats is ready to relish. Dig in!

Fresh Mango with Oats


Looking for more breakfast in a bowl ideas? Here are a few:

Mangoes interest you? Do more with this lovely fruit – check out 7 must-try mango recipes.

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